
dancelsewhere 舞 ·《軋》界 founded & led by Medina Lau, is an evolution of the Telford Recreation Club Children’s Creative Modern Dance which took place under the encouragement and support of Mr. Mark Houston in the 90s, Manager of the Wellness Centre, Spotlight Recreation Club. The mission was to form an arena where fun & exploration were possible for the creativity and sensitivity of young people through music and movement.

In 2003, dancelsewhere 舞 ·《軋》界 developed into its own repertoire expanded with consistent and enthusiastic participations for both adult and youth. Its growth has turned into both recreational as well as artistic pursuit.

OOur practice medium is an integration of contemporary dance languages and chinese martial arts philosophy. By means of game playing alongside with proper physical training, members achieve not only motor skills but also movement organistion, self-awareness and sharing. With an unique learning & improvisational culture, the group carries on to become a platform for self-development and communication through dance & movement.

The ensemble is led by Medina Lau, a professional dancer & choreographer from the City Contemporary Dance Company in Hong Kong; went on to dance with the Freiburg Tanz Theatre Germany, Norrdans Sweden and Aurinkoballetti Finland with whom she collaborated and created a cross-cultural dance performance project between Hong Kong & Finland.

Medina has been a guest teacher for the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, The Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation, the Hong Kong Arts Centre, YMCA, YWCA, Marynor Convent School and the Yew Chung International Kindergarten, among others.

Upon becoming a freelance artist, Medina turns to computer graphic design for work and continues her pursuit in movement by engaging herself into chinese martial arts mainly Yiquan, TaiChi, Water Boxing and Seven Stars Prymantis form. She is particularly interested in & has been teaching Yiquan for somatic purposes.

In recent years, Medina has immersed Contact Improvisation into her works. In November 2018, CI Jam LAB is founded as an on-going research project which bears the fruit of Contact Dance.

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舞 ·《軋》界界由劉玉芬創立及帶領。其前身是德藝會兒童舞蹈團,當時得到the Wellness Centre 在任經理Mark Houston先生及博藝會的支持及鼓勵而成立,為提供一個讓年輕人透過音樂及舞動,愉快地尋找創意及提高靈敏度的場所。

2003年,舞 ·《軋》界正式成立。當時剛好集合一羣成年及青少年,充滿熱誠並踴躍參與,令這個團體發展成一個集娛樂休閒與追尋藝術為一體的組織。

我們實踐的方式融滙現代舞蹈語言及中國武術哲學。成員透過遊戲及適當的肢體訓練,不但鍛鍊動作技巧,更學會舞蹈編排,並提高自身覺察及與人分享交流。透過與別不同的學習模式和日常的即興創作訓練,舞 ·《軋》界為成員提供一個拓展所長,成長學習及以身體舞動作為溝通橋樑的地方。

透過與別不同的學習模式和即興創作,舞 ·《軋》界繼續為成員提供一個讓大家拓展所長,並以舞蹈及動感作為溝通橋樑的地方。

舞蹈團的資深導師劉玉芬小姐,曾於香港城市當代舞蹈團擔任專業舞蹈員及編舞家,及後在 Freiburg Tanz Theatre Germany, Norrdans Sweden 和 Aurinkoballetti Finland合辦和創作了多個跨越香港及外國兩地文化的舞蹈項目; 又曾於香港演藝學院擔任客席教師,更於多個不同團體如香港藝術中心、青年會、 女青年會、瑪利諾小學及中學、耀忠國際幼稚園等擔任舞蹈教師。劉玉芬小姐曾多次到訪外地作演出,參與舞蹈工作坊及擔任客席教師。直至成為自由藝術發展者,劉玉芬小姐一方面開始從事電腦平面設計,另一方面繼續追尋動感,去礸研中國武術,包括意拳,太極,七星螳螂。劉玉芬小姐尤其喜愛意拳,並會教授意拳以作鍛練。

近年,劉玉芬更在其作品中融入接觸即興元素。2018年11月起開展的即與互動斟CI Jam Lab成為一個持續的研究計劃,亦是舞隨意動即興舞蹈推展的成果。
