
dancelsewhere 舞 ·《軋》界 has performed regularly within The Wellness Centre, Spotlight Recreation Club; annually with the Hong Kong Youth Arts Festival since 1998; the Hong Kong Dance Federation, The City University and Ng Sheung Ha School of Ballet.

Amongst the extensive repertoire, 'Leap of Faith’ was awarded the Best Choreography and Honors prize during the 40th Annual Open School Competition in 2004.

'Shadows was selected the "Best of the Best" Performance in the Dance4All series at the 2005 Youth Arts Festival.

"Past• Imperfect" has been awarded the GOLD Prize & the BEST PERFORMANCE Prize in the 35th Hong Kong Open Dance Contest (modern dance) 2007.

"Winterrise" has been awarded the GOLD Prize & the BEST PERFORMANCE Prize in the 36th Hong Kong Open Dance Contest (modern dance) 2008 "Shadows" & "The Passing" have been awarded "Silver Prize in the 36th Hong Kong Open Dance Contest (modern dance) 2008.

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Be自從成立舞團後,舞 ·《軋》界除積極參與德藝會內的活動演出外,亦曾受不同組織如城市大學、香港舞蹈總會等邀請參與演出。另外,舞團自1998年來最為突出之處,是每年都會參與香港青年藝術節之演出。舞 ·《軋》界於過去創作了多個不同舞蹈,其中"Leap of faith"於2004年第四十屆校際舞蹈節得到最佳編舞及優等獎;"Shadows"更被選為2005年青年藝術節Dance4All的”Best of the Best”演出;"Past• Imperfect"於2007年第三十五屆公開舞蹈比賽獲得金獎及最佳演出獎;'Winterrise"於2008年第三十六屆獲得金獎及最佳演出獎;"The Passing"亦於同屆獲得銀獎。


Below is the play-list showcasing the highlights of our past events. 以下是多年來的精彩演出. Enjoy!!!